Stir the Pot or Stir the Waters?

Stir the Pot or Stir the Waters?

Dear GodSippers, The times are surreal. Even a brief view of the news includes numerous shocking events. The pot is being stirred worldwide. From controversial opening ceremonies of the Olympics, attempted assassination of President Trump, to multiple wars and threats...

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On to Humility

On to Humility

GodSippers, Let's leave pride behind and kick off July with some humility to go with the humidity. Better to stay low and cool. Here are three separate but connected words the Lord has spoken to me on the health of the body of Christ, including: The Way of Our Love,...

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Israel, My Home

Israel, My Home

For the Intercessors and the Watchmen, Sharing with you today two significant declarations of the Lord regarding Israel and the unprecedented biblical unfolding we are living in currently. The first word, from 2021 followed by the recent one from April 2024, and both...

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