Billy and Me
Dear GodSippers, This end-of-year reflection includes a conversation with my granddaughter, one with my Heavenly Father, and my dad's last words to me. I share all of these with a heart full of appreciation for the life my Heavenly Father lived in my earthly father....
Children of a Holy God
In Communion, I hear, "Holy! Be holy as I Am Holy." Dear GodSippers, I pray you are well and ready to embrace all the Lord has for us. It is the most exciting time to be alive and I thank God for His faithfulness to every detail of His word. Let us be faithful...
Stir the Pot or Stir the Waters?
Dear GodSippers, The times are surreal. Even a brief view of the news includes numerous shocking events. The pot is being stirred worldwide. From controversial opening ceremonies of the Olympics, attempted assassination of President Trump, to multiple wars and threats...
On to Humility
GodSippers, Let's leave pride behind and kick off July with some humility to go with the humidity. Better to stay low and cool. Here are three separate but connected words the Lord has spoken to me on the health of the body of Christ, including: The Way of Our Love,...
Israel, My Home
For the Intercessors and the Watchmen, Sharing with you today two significant declarations of the Lord regarding Israel and the unprecedented biblical unfolding we are living in currently. The first word, from 2021 followed by the recent one from April 2024, and both...
RESURRECT ~ A Shout of Praise
I hear Him say, RESURRECT ~ Bring it about! Draw from the well that never runs dry. "Bring it about with a shout!" I say to you and the sky. There He is! See? He's coming! For you and with you, He'll dwell. For inside of you is His promise, And this story your...
Jesus’ Favorite Place
Recently, while meditating on the Lord, I asked, "What is your favorite place?" The question surprised me. It erupted out of a place deep in my spirit as something I'd never considered; as though Holy Spirit Himself had formed it within and brought the question out of...
Hey! What are you Waiting for?
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Everyone is waiting for something. From the big to the small things, we wait. Daily, we wait in lines of every kind. We wait for the light to change and our turn at the car wash. We wait for our table at a restaurant, and wait again for our...
For Those Who Cannot Hear
GodSippers, The Spirit of God led me into Hosea and fed me there. I offer this unfolding of His written word in the book of Hosea, along with the words He spoke to me. For Those Who Cannot Hear "Therefore, Behold, I will allure her, Bring her into the...
MasterMind ~ A Poem from the Mind of the Master
Dear GodSippers, Once in awhile the Lord will speak to me in poetic form. This began as one word. "MASTERMIND" then as I listened and wrote, I realized He was pouring out His love in rhyme. I wept. The Master is beautiful and perfect. I pray this moves your heart the...
The End of An Era
Dear GodSippers, Here is the the dream I promised to share. December 31st was one of those nights where I heard the voice of the Lord saying the same phrase over and over again. I tossed and turned with it as He repeated these words, THE END OF AN ERA ... I was...
The Most Fruitful Season Yet
Happy 2024 and Welcome to a most Fruitful New Season! I pray you are very well and pursuing each new day with the zeal of the Lord. I'm so excited to be back in touch! Today I'm offering more of a newsletter since we have some catching up to do. (PLUS, I will be...
CHANGE. Early in January, I heard the Lord say, CHANGE. One word whispered into my spirit is my signal to get ready to write. Here is the word of the Lord to us. The Time has come for a change - to all that you do, and an appeal to the Father for all you may do - in...
A WORD FOR THE NATIONS. I don't usually ask you to share my posts widely, but this is a word that must be shared with everyone. It shook me to the core with urgency. I received two intense visions and a detailed sobering word of the Lord regarding the time. As I was...
WAR in Bits & Pieces
The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of war he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts aloud, he shows himself mighty against his foes. ~ Isaiah 42:13, ESV. Going into the year 2020, I was drawn in the spirit to ask for a word for the year. Immediately,...
The Year of Changes and the Dry Bones Vision
Last night in a vision I saw a skeleton head and bones stacked beside it. It appeared almost like a pencil sketch, but had dimensions. I was eye level with it and in a low barren place. I understood I was seeing classic 'dry bones' and then heard in the spirit, The...
Jesus Christ is Coming to Town!
A HOLY INTERRUPTION In Communion (12/16) I heard, AHEM. I was startled by this, then heard, Interruption. (As though Holy Spirit was letting me know, Yes, I am interrupting you.) His voice in my spirit was as loud and clear as ever as He made this bold declaration. I...
This was a dream and word the Lord gave me in early 2015 when I first began to have more 'God dreams'. I feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share this now. As I am currently preparing to publish a fresh word from earlier this week, I believe this word of...
Land of the Free & Home of the Brave
Land of the Free and Home of the Brave! Tuesday, December 15th, I woke to hear these words. Immediately after, I heard, Ecclesiastes 3:13. I rushed to grab my bible, knowing it would help me understand more of what the Lord was leading me to receive. As I read the...
Visions of Rescue & Winds in the Oval Office
These visions and words are from a time of intensity in the Spirit from April 2018. As on point for the current time, the encouragement is needed now. Jesus always BRIDGES the GAPS. So much of what the Lord has been speaking has to do with Crossing Over. I believe...
Two nights ago, I heard the Lord speak loudly in my spirit, SHOCK WAVES in Election Results. Writing as He continued to speak, I received this important understanding of our election in Christ. I...
Friends, Earlier his week I shared on social media the vision I received of the hand of the Lord writing Donald J. Trump on the bottom line of a card. I submit to you prayerfully the complete word and vision I received Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Please prayerfully...
My New Tattoo (Pre-Election Repost)
Friends, I submit to you another reposting as promised for Pre-Election 2020. This from our September 2016 visit to D.C. when the Lord again confirmed His words to me about President Trump in multiple ways. I hope you are encouraged, remembering God is in control no...
A New Wave of the Flag (2016 Revisited)
Friends, As promised, here is the reposting of my second experience in the Spirit previous to the 2016 election, and which occurred July 4th, 2016. I pray this blesses and helps you, and that you will ask God for revelation knowledge and understanding. With love...
Trump Call (Revisiting 2016)
Friends, Beginning in May of 2016, I received a number of specific words, visions, and dreams regarding upcoming major world events. A new era of knowing the times was opened up to me as I could have never imagined. Lately, I've been feeling a holy tug on my...
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