Dear GodSippers,

Once in awhile the Lord will speak to me in poetic form. This began as one word. “MASTERMIND” then as I listened and wrote, I realized He was pouring out His love in rhyme. I wept. The Master is beautiful and perfect. I pray this moves your heart the way it has mine.

Note: In reading, you may be helped to understand the roles by type…The Master (the person of God) in regular type. The child of God in italicized type. Jesus Christ (the Son of God) in bold italic type. Hopefully this gives clarity in context of the interaction between the three.



Behind the scenes the Master plans and all the while the devil danced

(But what he could not ever know was that the Master stole the show)

It was not his and would not be for his old tricks are lame, you see.

He cannot win and never will

and this is why I say, “Be Still!”

Be still and know that I AM GOD and everywhere My feet have trod,

on earth and every heavenly realm,

for I your God am at the helm!

The Master of it, you’ll see,

The Master Mind is mastering me. 

My coming and my going known, the tricks and snares laid for me, shown.

There is no way, there is no feat that Satan’s hand can e’er defeat the One who has me in His Hand.

The Master’s Mind. The Master’s Plan.

This will He execute by far and on and on beyond each star.

I cannot fail. I will not fall as long as He is on my side.

My Master’s Plan He will provide.

The tricks all tried, the game all spent, the devil wonders where He went.

Where did the Master go when I

was on the cross or when I died?

Always there He was with Me

and through it all He let Me see

that you would come along My sweet

and you would worship at My feet.

For you would know

and you would see

The Master’s Plan for you was Me!

And all along with you I tread and every step by Me, you’re led

Always have been and Always will be

The Master’s Plan for you and Me.

Together in this war we go

And in this war we trust and know the One who set it all in place and we will see His perfect face

In that time that’s set by Him and in it all we both will win – the crown I bought the crown you’ll wear

and we’ll no longer have a care 

For MASTER MIND has gone ahead and

This is what the Master said, My child! I love you and love you so!

And with Me always you will go

from victory to victory until the day when you shall see

the devil underneath your feet and oh that FINAL WIN, so sweet!

So let’s PROCEED and go on forth with this in mind and knowing more 

We win! We win! We’ll battle til the win is over and all is still –

In peace In peace we’ll live and on

for Christ is come and the Master’s Own has won it all and finally 

our work is done and all are free.

Free to know and to live

Free to love and Free to give

ONLY CHRIST has made us free and evermore

this we will be.