In Communion, I hear, “Holy! Be holy as I Am Holy.” Dear GodSippers, I pray you are well and ready to embrace all the Lord has for us. It is the most exciting time to be alive and I thank God for His faithfulness to every detail of His word. Let us...
I hear Him say, RESURRECT ~ Bring it about! Draw from the well that never runs dry. “Bring it about with a shout!” I say to you and the sky. There He is! See? He’s coming! For you and with you, He’ll dwell. For inside of you is His...
Recently, while meditating on the Lord, I asked, “What is your favorite place?” The question surprised me. It erupted out of a place deep in my spirit as something I’d never considered; as though Holy Spirit Himself had formed it within and brought...
Common Bread for an Uncommon Harvest ~ I received Holy Spirit’s precious word of communion to share with those who would partake. He is calling to us constantly. Desiring communion at all times with those who would receive. My prayer is that you receive this word and...
“You are my King and my God. Decree victories for your people. For it is only by your power and through your name that we tread down our enemies; I do not trust my weapons. They could never save me. Only you can give us the victory over...
While preparing to have communion this morning with the Lord, He spoke this word. Glutton. I hesitated. This has always had a negative connotation to me. I waited and listened to understand. This is the word that the Holy Spirit further...
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