Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!  Tuesday, December 15th, I woke to hear these words.

Immediately after, I heard, Ecclesiastes 3:13. I rushed to grab my bible, knowing it would help me understand more of what the Lord was leading me to receive. As I read the verse, a fuller understanding of freedom was impressed on me,

“..and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God.

The Lord highlights His intent for every man to receive good gifts from his work. This is also the essence of our nation’s historical identity. Living free, free enterprise, and the experience of good freedom in every regard. It is a wonderful thing to be able to work and to receive the fruits of our labor. Truly, this is the gift of God to a free society.


As I meditated on the word, Holy Spirit continued to speak,

I will have MY UTOPIAN NATION, says the Lord and no one stops Me! (Then He laughed. I love it when He does that…) I am at battle for the nations, constantly sending my angels to and fro, clashing swords, fighting over freedom in various places, for FREEDOM has always been MY CAUSE, says the Lord.

But I will not wait forever for those to get on board who have no sense of JUSTICE for ALL. They want what is theirs without regard for others. But I say, It is ALL MINE anyway! Ha! What do you think you are holding onto? The gifts I give are yours, but they are Mine first to give to you! And I will pour out My FREEDOM wherever I will and I will STAND WATCH over it to perform it.

I will take from the RICH and give to the POOR IN SPIRIT as a fair exchange – for My giving is GENEROUS ENOUGH for everyone! I will give you COURAGE in the battle as I always have, and I will send you to others to give them the same courage you have – MINE.

ENDURING FAITH WINS EVERY BATTLE. For it is IN THE ENDURING you persevere through. KEEP GOING. MARCH FORWARD, Weary Souls! March on to TRIUMPH in this BATTLE for a SOUL of a NATION!


Are you a soldier of the LOST and DYING?

OR are you comfortable in your own salvation?


Have the FEAR of the LORD and none other. For THIS IS THE SOUL of the NATION of the LORD – HIS FEAR.”

In the soul rests every emotion, but these are not to rule you. (These are) only to express your moments of challenge and defeat — to enunciate your limitations and proclaim GOD is ALL you have worth fighting for!

CONQUER the WORLD! This was My command from the beginning! Will you do it? Share on X

Why do you think the enemy wants to CORRUPT the nations? Because they are MINE, says the Lord. And he wants to ruin all I have – including you – if he could!

THE VENGEANCE of the LORD is RESERVED for him on THE DAY OF WRATH – so you fight free of vengeance. You fight with the Sword of the Spirit in love. It will always be the defeater of every foe. But vengeance is not for you. Like a child playing with fire, it will get out of control and you were not designed to carry it. But the consuming fire of My Love you should carry everywhere you go. It is the light and warmth you need to show others.

We fight on a different level and every principality has its weapons. So you stick to LOVE and TRUTH. And I’ll do JUSTICE for you.


As I stayed before the Lord, I saw the (presidential aircraft) AIR FORCE ONE in a vision.

I heard the voice of the Lord say,

THE EAGLE HAS LANDED. In the hearts of men I have planted the cry of freedom, for it IS FOR FREEDOM Christ made you free. It is the very price of death to have complete freedom, but I say to you when the eagle has landed, your freedom will be secured and take on a whole new meaning. FREE TO FLY.

There is a lot here, but it’s good, so stay with me. The interesting thing about seeing Air Force One is what happened a couple of nights previous to this. Throughout the night I would see what I thought was a word, PAG. I saw it over and over in a repeated night vision. I woke up knowing I needed to look it up. I found PAG is an acronym for a list of different things. But when I looked at the list, one thing stood out to me – PRESIDENTIAL AIRLIFT GROUP.

I asked the Lord for a verse to confirm meaning to me and immediately I heard Colossians 3:11. This verse speaks of being high above with Christ, seeking those things that are higher.

“If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking things above where Christ is seated, at the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:11 (NIV).

Interestingly, PAG is the command wing for Air Force One. According to their official website, Joint Base Andrews, “The 89th Airlift Wing (89th AW) is one of 17 Air Force active duty wings assigned to Air Mobility Command (AMC) and is a tenant unit based at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. The 89th AW provides global Special Air Mission airlift, logistics, aerial port and communications for the president, vice president, cabinet members, combatant commanders and other senior military and elected leaders as tasked by the White House, Air Force chief of staff and AMC.”

I believe we intercessors are being called on as a spiritual PAG with a similar mission on a spiritual level. Prayer warriors on a mission of providing support in this special air mission airlift, logistics, aerial port and communications on behalf of the president and other elected leaders.

Holy Spirit urged me to look up the patches of this group. EXPERTO CREDE is the motto of the PAG. It is Latin for TRUST the EXPERT. Literally, EXPERT TRUST. Notice the Eagle on the patch also, a symbol of our freedom. The position of the eagle is one soaring above, and also represents of power and sharp vision.

The phrase Holy Spirit spoke along with this is significant on its own. The Lord is truly full and rich in the depths of all He does. I always find multiple levels of significant revelation when He gives me these kinds of keys.

“The Eagle has landed.”

This famous phrase has come to represent a successful mission or mission accomplished, in general. It originated with the Apollo 11 mission upon the successful landing on the moon. Talk about HIGH ABOVE!) Neil Armstrong said, “TRANQUILITY BASE here…THE EAGLE HAS LANDED.” I find additional meaning in the fact this message came from the Sea of Tranquility on the moon. (My goodness, Lord! Whew.) There is just so much in my spirit from each piece of what was given in this word and vision. I am greatly encouraged by the Lord and affirmed in my mission  to continue to pray for the president, for freedom, and for the fullness of God in what He is doing ALL for HIS GLORY!

I submit all of this to you for your encouragement and prayerful intercession in the current situation we face as a nation. Those of you who are feeling discouraged, weary, doubting, wondering what is next…all of these emotions are the things we must quickly run to the Lord with and surrender to Him completely. Stay in the Spirit. Our hope is always in the Lord Himself.


I stand by what Holy Spirit has said to me, past and present. He has never failed to be true to His word. My trust is in the Lord alone. Keep seeking things ABOVE.

With love & belief, Jill