EKKLESIA Rediscovering God’s Instrument for Global Transformation by Dr. Ed Silvoso
Salt and Light. Are we? Have you felt like we are failing as a church? How are we impacting the world? Are we doing church things, but losing our children and our communities to addiction and countless other traps? Are we called to invite people to church or are we expected to go out and be the church to the world? What is the Great Commission we are actually living?
I didn’t even really understand what the word ‘Ekklesia’ meant until reading this book. In the chapter, ‘Transformation Is a Journey’, Dr. Silvoso says, “Light dispels darkness, which is exactly why Jesus defined the function of His Ekklesia as an operation of light against the spiritual darkness covering the world.” ‘Ekklesia is the ‘corporate expression of the Body of Christ, as opposed to an individual…’ (p.190).
We talk a lot about ‘going out’ as a church; as people of God to the lost and dying world, to seek and save the lost. But what are we doing out there? This book answers through deep teaching of the truth of the scriptures. We are shown exactly how to create an atmosphere of transformation and to engage in that true transformation according to the way that the Lord has shown us in the Bible.
Most of the chapters begin with the words, ‘A Fuller Understanding of…’ and in these, you will discover an easy to understand teaching that gives exactly what it promises. There is so much to be gleaned here that I intend to continue to study and to share the vision, and use it as a model for what I am pursuing in my life.
‘Prayer Evangelism’ as a concept is an important missing tool in most church groups today. Ed Silvoso simply describes this as, ‘…talking to God about the lost before talking to the lost about God…’ and goes on to detail the process from Luke 10:2-9 for changing the spiritual climate; bless, fellowship, minister and then preach.’
Instead of taking Jesus with us into the marketplace, we tend to hide Him there in the daily doing of life. This book will give you the bold courage and inspiration necessary to step out into the truth of our destiny as the ‘Ekklesia’ we are called to be everywhere.
Dr. Silvoso shares accounts of numerous miraculous transformations in institutions and cities that will amaze and inspire you to the greatness of your calling. I have been so moved already to begin to implement the ‘Adopt Your Street’ initiative within my circle of influence. These alone are worth the read!
If you are looking for excellent teaching and a way to find your place in ministry, this resource will clarify your focus and straighten the course of your efforts! It has given me a new vision for ministry and I thank God that Chosen Books sent this free copy to me for review. (They also encourage an honest review, so don’t think I’m just trying to sell you a book. It’s one of the best I have ever read and an essential for the church right now. That is what I believe.)
If you lead a group study, absolutely use this book next. If you don’t love it, please let me know and I’ll buy your copy from you to share with someone else. That is how much I believe in this word for those who desire to walk in a restored compassion for the world! I do not say this lightly. I believe the teaching within this book is an essential tool for equipping of the saints to transform the world.
Go out and get the book, and then GO OUT and change the world.
“…so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church {the Ekklesia} to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.” ~Ephesians 3:10
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