There is an everlasting covenant that cannot be broken. It is Mine to keep and this I will never break. For it is already complete and kept in this – My Son sent to you – returned to Me to live and reign with me over all, forever.

By this overcoming, He set you free as well! This will never change and cannot be retracted. But the binding I will break and this one over lands and people I claim to return to Me also, when I call of them.

Like calling a child for supper – Come on in, now! It’s time! This is how I draw My lost ones back. I break the binding that holds them and sever the ties that hang them up – so that when I say the word, “Come!” The are fully ready and able to do so.

This is the glorious homecoming dinner you love- prepared by Me for your little ones. They will sup with Me and feast on My life for strength in the upcoming days!

Know this- No one waits for you to change your mind. They forge ahead with those who are fully committed. There is a battle on the forefront and all of the soldiers are heading in that direction – so GO there! No turning back or changing your mind now! It’s almost here and this is the best part of all! VICTORY! You must go out and be a part of it!

In the atmosphere many changes are taking place. All of them didactic, and with the changes, people move. Making moves creates more change and thus I carry loads of those who are busy with My work, so they are freed up to move quickly!

Know this – I will move you here or there, but with much warning for preparation. so you should always be prepared for this.

Moving tents is My specialty and will never harm you if you simply go and do as I show you! It’s easy and a way better adventure for this life than just doing the same thing over and over, don’t you think? I am in it. Move with Me! Rhythms are beating out a tempo that is being set- Move to it! Hear it and MOVE!

With love & belief, Jill