The seed is in your heart to overflowing. This word is My seed to you. You will speak and I will answer- your words will come from Me and back to Me you will pray them, giving abundant power to what you say. All I have for you is contained in powerful speech- Words of Power hold all you need for life, so speak them! They are yours from Me and to share with others. Not speaking your own mind or your deepest thoughts, but sharing the powerful ‘God Words’ you get from Me each day.
I have nothing more for you, for all of it is there, in the words, teeming with powerful excitement in an exercise of bursting forth- arriving on the scene with the very nature of God – LOVE! ENCOURAGEMENT! HEALING! What price have these? And who could pay? They are all treasure, words that speak life to the receiver; and the receiver, bearing seeds of life, then grows – dropping seeds to the ground and scattering for others!
This life grows and spread this way – to the rest of the world – grounded in Me – rooted in My desire to speak to you these words that I am confident you will bear and take to others. You are diligent in your pursuit of Me only because I pursue you, and I pursue you because you have longed for Me, and THIS desire I have placed in your heart! See this circle of love and reproduction of life? It is all the same as everything I have shown you in nature – pursuit of love – grasping on – gathering together – sharing and spreading the seeds of love with others – spilling over with joy that something good can actually be made in this world!
And so it is an excellent way I show you in this love! It is a fire – a longing burning deep within – it ignites in the soul and spreads through the dry places, crackling and burning through the heart of desire – igniting further places where darkness hides the kindling there — and once it lights — NOTHING stops it. The fragrance of this fire is an aroma to My nostrils that heat up with the waves billowing forth and upward to Me – a burgeoning sacrifice of the very heart of a man in need! All-sustaining and All-consuming at once, this fire bleeds onto the edges of a thirsty land and consumes it also – as on waiting for a funeral pyre – this fodder adds fuel and as it spreads – none can quench it! THIS fire is My love growing in you and you cannot resist it – you cannot control it – you only want more because you understand it is the essence of life – real living can only be done in this consuming heat of my genuine love — anything less is a wet mess, disappointing and fleeting – a spark, then nothing. What sorrow comes at a fire such as this – it whimpers out and is nothing — no heat – no warmth – nothing good to share or spread, but full of dark disappointment.
CALL on MY NAME for THIS FIRE at the ALTAR of LOVE! Receive ME there for all your troubles! You will never be disappointed by the warmth of My glow!
“For our God is a consuming fire.” ~ Hebrews 12:29
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