The Spirit is the One who leads us into God’s will.
“And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words, and He who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” ~ Romans 8:26-27
I am the Lord your God who decides all things which are exalted, and by Me they are exalted. So, if this does not make sense to you (and why should it, except that I explain it to you) then, it is not for you to understand.
“‘God, the Master, says, I personally will take a shoot from the top of the towering cedar, a cutting from the crown of the tree, and plant it on a high and towering mountain, on the high mountain of Israel. It will grow, putting out branches and fruit—a majestic cedar. Birds of every sort and kind will live under it. They’ll build nests in the shade of its branches. All the trees of the field will recognize that I, God, made the great tree small and the small tree great, made the green tree turn dry and the dry tree sprout green branches. I, God, said it—and I did it.’” ~Ezekiel 17:22-24 (MSG)
Your role in this is to seek Me for the knowledge and understanding! Your job always is to glorify Me in your doing and in all your ways, you do acknowledge Me! WHO I AM is WHO they need!
I AM, the ONE who meets ALL NEEDS. And so if I say, ‘Go this way or that’, and it is beyond your ability to understand, you simply “Go” as I’ve said it. And there, as you go, you find Me doing works – and when you stumble upon My fine works in progress, I tell you again, ‘Do this or that’- and so if you do, you will see more of Me and what I am willing and working!
So that in this series of discoveries you might become more aware of Me, and as such, more likely to listen even more quickly when I speak!
Having done this many times, you become fine-tuned in your hearing and a finely tuned instrument for My use and service!
GLORY in THIS – the God who made you, made you wholly purposed for His doing, ready-made for use, just add water and stir!
Yes! ADD the LIVING WATER and STIR the LIVING SPIRIT within this little package I delivered to the earth! And these seeds will grow and climb, sprouting out of the dirt, toward the light of the SON. Such is all I have shown in creation, every living thing is made to tell My story.
Not for its glory, but for My glory, I make it beautiful! So that tired eyes may see and have hope.
Your eyes may open wide in wonder, and ALL EYES will turn to SEE ME COMING IN ALL MY GLORIOUS LIGHT OF LOVE and ACCEPTANCE- bringing close to Me all who have believed and waited expectantly for Me in times where it was hard to see.
Now they will not need struggle for clarity, for I will shine clearly right before their very eyes!
Hallelujah! and GLORY SHINES all around the earth! I will circle it with My right hand and hold it closely, and like a ball of fire, it will glow for ME!
These are My words to you ~
My will is done, even when it looks like everything is completely out of control! When My words are spoken and My Spirit lights them on fire, all hell trembles with fear-in the knowing that I indeed do reign and rule over every living thing-the dead even brought to life-the enemy conquered easily and silenced, the voices of those who opposed Me, silenced –
And knowing Me, then, will be easy for anyone! There will be no other choice!
So now, lead others to find Me while you wait for this. Leading you by My Spirit, you collect the tribe of My people whom I have assigned to you and show them the way to find Me – track Me down- Pursue Me hard and let nothing stop you from sharing the truth of My words and My heart for My people.
Let LOVE REIGN in your heart always toward all people and show them it can be done, only by Me.
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to YOUR name give glory Because of your lovingkindness, because of your truth.” ~Psalm 115:1
Jill, this message and word was perfect for me. I shared it. Thank you.
Oh Sharon, The Lord is so faithful to speak to His children! I’m always blessed by the way He moves! ❤ Thanks for sharing,too!
Sharon Diaz forwarded this to me via email. If you do send these emails regularly, I would really like to be on the email list. I really appreciated this and it truly touched my heart. God knows when we need to be reminded of these truths. Thank you, Jill, for your wisdom.
Jill Lhamon
Oh Jill! I always love knowing another Jill! You can be sure to receive updates by going to Then go to the contact page and enter your email address to subscribe. Once you’ve done that, you will need to confirm it when you receive the email notification.
Also, please “like” us on Facebook by going to the Godsip Facebook page, and please feel free to share by inviting friends to like us also! God is so good and completely faithful to answer when we call! God bless you! Welcome, my newly found sister!
Thank you so much Jill. Your in my prayers.
God bless you real good, Veronica! Thank you for your prayerful support!
Great Word!
He’s faithful!
Amen and amen!
Thanks, Sister! I’m looking forward to following you!