All Glory is shared with you due to GRACE.
“Show me your Glory, Lord!” is the prayer of KINGS because they truly have access to this Glorious Grace which is the GLORY OF GOD!
So, are you asking for more than you have?
Impossible! You have it ALL!
Now, consider that asking is letting me know you are interested in seeing all that I have for you- so your prayer should be, “Enable me to see all of your GLORY, Lord!”
This is accurate, for you desire to see all that you already have access to! Now, grab ahold of this and actually SEE it!
In the realms above and around you, I have designated places for your access. Keys do unlock these places, as any treasures need protection from other forces. So, not everyone may unlock the mysteries and treasures of your LIVING GOD – Only those who are given access by My KEYS of LIVING!
My KEYS work this way –
SEE it! BELIEVE it! ACCESS it! USE it!
Knowing this, of course, you truly can have anything you want. All you have to do is ask.
At your mother’s house, what does she say before you leave?
“Is there anything I have that you need?”
Prepare for THIS kind of easy access- asking and receiving.
On My behalf, you are sent to share My Glory, and My Glory rests in this ASKING and RECEIVING concept- although many people seem not to know because they want to complicate it!
Well, it’s just that simple! ASK-RECEIVE!
The work in between has been DONE for you! (This is the Glorious GRACE of CHRIST.)
My children- actual children of Mine- why would I make you wait for access that has already been made? ENTER IN!
And don’t stop there! Now that you’re IN- RECEIVE of Me!
NOTHING and NO ONE can stop this interaction between us!
Have ALL you desire in Me!
“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth…For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.” ~ John 1:14,16
Ask — Receive!!! Love it. Simple. We do tend to needlessly complicate our lives.
Truly, we do! I am always learning that it is far easier when I go with the Spirit rather than my own ideas!