Over and over this morning, I heard the Lord saying, COLOSSAL INTERVENTION! As I communed with Him and stayed before Him to hear, He spoke these words.
The biggest interventions may never be known, for so much disaster is averted by your prayers- energy displaced, curses removed, history completely altered; all for the sake of My name and GLORY.
Glorious provisions supplied to hungry souls both in and out; Reverence resupplied to ensure honor and glory to My name- All of this- a POWER SURGE that turns the earth on its axis- The SUSTAINING WORDS of the saints of God supplying and resupplying needs- intervening to thwart the plans of darkness and turn the enemy back.
How can I explain the MAGNITUDE of these prayers for RIGHTEOUSNESS?
Tsunami-sized waves of GOODNESS overtake you!
A colossal turning of the ways of man over to the ways of GOD- not out of fear, but our of exhaustion!
‘We tire ourselves!’ man says.
‘We have no more energy for this power race! Nothing more to give!’
‘We forfeit the game!’ ‘God, You overtake us!’
‘Come on! Just get it over with!’ ‘You win!’
But there I AM- with open arms of a loving Father and not the tyrant who lords power over the powerless. And I receive them. Like a good sport, I make the losing easy. I make the loss, gain! It feels like a win after all!
So GO for the GOLD on this one! Get ready for the best loss of your life! The one that brings you to your knees and turns your eyes to HEAVEN!
The loss of the world’s best prizes equal only the most EXCELLENT GAIN of VICTORY that can be realized!
“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.”~ Mark 8:35
“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ.” ~Philippians 3:7-8
Thank you Jill and a loud AMEN! Love and miss you!
Donna, Love and miss you! He is MOVING in the matters of men.
He has the victory and we get to celebrate
Yes! He is so gracious and good.