I woke up this morning to the Lord saying, “Crowns!  Many Crowns!”

Hurrying to position myself to listen closely, my spirit took in His words.  He takes my breath away.

Beautiful God!

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” ~James 1:12

Your majesty bestows many crowns on you, the faithful!  He lives on to give you honor for His Kingdom and food for your table! You are the light which He intended for you to be!  You are the salt of the earth, and so shall have many crowns as you rise into eternity.  These will be like a royal diadem in the hand of your Savior – shining – gleaming over and above everything else!

Your knowledge and understanding are limited only by your willingness to seek me harder, so if you decide to press through further, you will automatically be in position to know more of Me!

In this is your freedom- in these things rest your faith – Understanding WHO I AM is your key to victorious living in every circumstance!  Many hearts will be won to Me because of your faithfulness to My will and many will grow in faith for this reason as well.

So, here is your next mission – to tell everyone you know that I AM LOVE always – nothing escapes My heart of love – no one else’s love compares to Mine and whatever it is they think they love – My love is better – My love is greater and My love offers MUCH more!  Do not hesitate to speak of My pure and good love wherever you go!  Let it be the first words from your lips!  “Jesus loves you so much!  God, His Father adores you, too!  The Holy Spirit longs to hear from you!  They are all the love you will ever need!  So, if you are looking for LOVE, look no further!  You have found it in the THREE in ONE!”

This is the next leg of your trip!  Tell them about MY NEVER ENDING PURE AND PERFECT LOVING nature!  My hands open to prove it and provide.  My heart pours out all provisions of adoration for My people!  I long for them to KNOW ME this way and there is nothing that can STOP ME from showing them My love if only they will ask Me!

ASK for My love!  Don’t you want it?  It heals!  It lifts!  It soothes!  It comforts!  It strengthens!  It provides all the shelter you could ever desire!  THIS LOVE is ALIVE within you and is All I AM – everything I have consists of PURE GOLDEN LOVE!  Dripping like honey, it’s sweetness surrounds you and carries you through the trials you face!  It will hardly feel like anything at all when you go forward trusting HIS LOVE!  The efforts of trusting man are wearying to your soul, but LIFE comes from trusting the LOVE of your FAITHFUL FATHER!  HE IS ALL YOU EVER REALLY NEED.

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” ~1 Corinthians 9:24-25 (NIV)

With love & belief, Jill