“If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” ~2 Chronicles 7:14 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).
It may appear that I have been silent for awhile. Although I have not published lately, my spirit has been digging in deep in prayer, listening for words for the church. The body of Christ is the burden of prayer God has given me, and I hope that you will join me in interceding as the Holy Spirit leads you in this. Lately, He has been speaking and showing me things that are hard to hear and see. My heart cries for the apathy of the body, the violence in this world, and the fact that we seem to operate more in fear than in faith. Our God does so desire for us to cry out to Him, to spend time seeking Him, and to operate in His power.
As He reminded me of the desire He has for us, the Lord gave me much food for thought and also nourishment of the spiritual body. Feast on Him and receive what He has for you. These things are far greater than your wildest imagination. The Holy Spirit speaks this word to His people.
“When the people who are called by My name will humble themselves and call on Me, then I will answer them. I will be their help, but until they cry out, I will wait and listen with a listening ear, as a mother waiting to hear her newborn cry waiting for signs of life.
This is DEAD SILENCE- no shouts of joy, no cries for help, and whether this place (the church) is empty or full, it sounds the same to My ears; DEAD. SILENCE, with no one calling out My Name- no one crying out to the God of their life- no one wanting to shout My praises enough to say – ‘PRAISE to YOU, Oh God of the Universe!’
‘Be still and know that I AM God’ does not mean to be stillborn for life! Empty and silent; barren and cold; devoid of emotion even for your Father in heaven? How can this be that My people have lost their zeal for Me; for life? Robots! Yet, they themselves say, ‘God does not want puppets!’ So, where is your LIFE? What hand must touch you to bring you to a new and joyous life?
Be people of thought and action! MOVE in My Name! LIVE in My Name! Bring life and give life to those around you!
Looking at you, who would want what you have when you claim a Christian walk? Get out of your RUT and MOVE! DANCE before Me! SING for MY praises! LIVE this life I have given you and for ME, LIVE it out LOUD!
I am not your itinerant preacher, making brief stops and riding through different communities just to keep an appointment with My church. I am the GOD of it ALL, clothed in MAJESTY, robed in RIGHTEOUSNESS, shining GLORY! This is My name – NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES, KING JESUS- FRIEND TO ALL, offering My whole self for the wholeness of ALL who partake of My GLORY!
Deep joy awakens in man when he receives the fullness of this glory! Commune with Me to receive! Take time and get deep into My Presence! Stay near and feel the warmth of My glow, a lasting fire that never dies out or becomes cold!
Happiness is fleeting, but this deep joy lasts in the KNOWING of WHO I AM and who we are together; One.”
“All the kings of the land shall give You credit and praise You, O Lord, for they have heard of the promises of Your mouth [which were fulfilled]. Yes, they shall sing of the ways of the Lord and joyfully celebrate His mighty acts, for great is the glory of the Lord. For though the Lord is high, yet has He respect to the lowly [bringing them into fellowship with Him]; but the proud and haughty He knows and recognizes [only] at a distance.”
~Psalm 138:4-6 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).
My “Road Trip Warrior”, Blessings,
You hit the nail on the head! Your question IS the question we each one should seriously ponder and answer.
When looking at me, who would want what I have when I claim a Christian Walk????
I pray that I can live my Faith loud enough that everyone who meets me will know that the One True God IS my God.
Thank You Jill for teaching us along our Faith Journey how to move and dance and sing and live His Praises. And I pray that my Great and Gracious God will find me “living my Faith OUT LOUD!!!
Be Joyful with God’s Joy!
Kathy, my dear friend and Smiling Warrior Sister,
Anyone who knows you, cannot help but see the way you shine for the Lord at all times!
Thank you for your encouragement in the faith, always.
So much love to you!
Thanks for the scripture reminding us to be still. When we are still , He is faithful to reveal His power!
Love you
Yes! Faithful. From before we ever knew Him and through eternity, He is FAITHFUL!