Freedom is dying to self, receiving Christ and all of His amazing GRACE, so then being resurrected with Him, one never has to experience death again!

This temporary earthly body is a good house for my spirit now, so God Himself, the Sustainer of all things, will decide my paths, business as usual.  Cancer does not dissuade Him, nor is it any different to Him than any other affliction.  His ways, not our ways.  His thoughts, so different from our thoughts.

The tears that have come with sharing this part of my journey have come mostly when I shared with a group of friends. Since then, these tears have come and cleansed me; more in quiet times with my gift; my husband and closest ally in the battle.

Upsetting or worrying others creates anxiety in me.  I never want to be a source of discomfort for anyone, ever.  So, the thought of that brings a certain sorrow, and with that, tears.

But my joy quickly returns when I can say, “He is still my God!”

This is my goal -to tell everyone who can understand- whatever trial you are given (yes, given) – Glory in this – you have an opportunity to impact others for Christ!  And I can say this without reservation, without concern that someone may say, ‘That’s easy for you to say, you’ve never been where I am!’

Well, maybe, but I have been where I am.

And that is enough.  Abuse, promiscuity, rejection, addictions, divorce, depression, suicide, cancer; fear, anxiety, doubt.  I have known these things.  And I know WHO overcomes these on our behalf.  FOR us.  WITH us.  OVERCOMING.

He is still my GOD.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” ~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

It cannot get any plainer than that.  Seriously.

How many ways would you like to try to interpret these words?

Whatever is happening, continue to celebrate, pray and give THANKS; because God HAS this designed for you in your Savior Jesus.

Sovereign God.  Overcoming Sovereign God, Who is to be Glorified.

My choices are my attitude and actions; the way I behave and treat others.  The rest is beyond my doing.  So, I align my BEING with who God has called me to be on this earth.

He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”.  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11(NIV)

This uncommon peace and joy in living cannot be quenched by a temporary condition.  It is about my mission, NOT my condition!

Take hold of that for yourself.  Repeat after me.

My momentary circumstance will change momentarily.


There is Nothing that comes as a surprise to God-

There is Nothing that shakes Him-

There is Nothing He cannot handle!

Walk in this understanding and LIVE life every moment deep in the adventure of your uniquely beautiful mission.

He says, ‘For I am the Lord.  I change not. I am the same, yesterday, today and forever.’

Amen. Praise God!

I continue to regard this as one assignment of my larger mission and I am expecting many more miracles in this leg of my journey!

Join me, won’t you?  Only our honest testimonies bring full glory to God.

“A man’s steps are of the Lord: How then can a man understand his own way?” ~Proverbs 20:24

Trust the One Who made you.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” ~Proverbs 21:1

Know that He moves us by His Sovereign Grace.

With love & belief, Jill