June is the month of the roses. Beautiful roses for our wedding! Wedding planning includes talk of ordering flowers and I say that I order the flowers for you! For the Marriage Feast of the Bride and the Lamb, say, “Come!” and say, “Bloom!” to the harvest of flowers around your house of love!
June is featuring LOVE as all My creation is ordered to Praise Me in glorious depths of splendor and color!
Each bloom and petal is a Designer original, fraught with My Glory all over it and dipped in the dew of My life-giving Presence – ordered for your good and your pleasure in Me.
As I spray you over with the mist of gladness – oils will rise to the surface to meet you and bathe each of your petals in full glory!
Oils of anointing love mix with the dew of My Presence to create an uncommon potion of love! Wear it like a perfume of My Presence in all you do and nothing can touch your deep joy and perfect peace! SATISFIED! My Bride will always be satisfied in Me! And My existence will keep her – sustaining her love long into eternity and none shall say, ‘Deliver’, for My existence is the deliverance of all good promises of the Father!
Yes! Holy Spirit Come! Here Comes the Bride! to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb- perfected in Me- this wedding picture is extravagantly posed! With flowers everywhere – lined with the most perfect ROSES!
Every step down this aisle is for My ultimate Glory Gathering!
“This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“See, I will beckon to the nations,
I will lift up my banner to the peoples;
they will bring your sons in their arms
and carry your daughters on their hips.
Kings will be your foster fathers,
and their queens your nursing mothers.
They will bow down before you with their faces to the ground;
they will lick the dust at your feet.
Then you will know that I am the Lord;
those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
~Isaiah 49:22-23
“THE HARVEST is IN!” they will say. “Join this Harvest Dinner as the Wedding Feast- It is a glorious gathering of the hosts of beings for His glory to shine forth forever!”
In THIS you shall glory- that GOD’S LIGHT is ETERNAL, GLOWING into the night of darkness and bringing it to LIGHT across the nations! All will see His Glory and No One can any longer deny Him!
Eternal One who promises life and gives only good gifts. Let the glorious celebration of your Loving Presence be forever commenced and never-ending as You are never-ending, O God!
Embrace Me for this first dance of our wedding and let Me twirl you around with the joy of My love! And laughter will be great music at our feast! This will be a signal to all who celebrate that love has finally arrived for eternity and nothing can stop our celebration of it!
Darkness has no power over you! Victorious living has begun in Me and nothing can dissuade us from celebrating this coming KING of GLORY! Show us SOON the extent of your GLORY in and through all creation!
The ROSES have SPOKEN and they say, “LOVE”!
Shout for joy, you heavens;
rejoice, you earth;
burst into song, you mountains!
For the Lord comforts his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.
~Isaiah 49:13
Beautiful Jill, beautiful just as our Jesus, for He is our LIGHT of the World! Amen!
Yes, Donna! I love being His Bride!