Would you please take a minute and help me by answering one question?

I am doing some research to determine a strong need in the world of parenting.

Maybe you are a young parent, a parent of adult children, a grandparent, or simply an observer of others who are parenting (any age) children. I would love your insights, please.

If you could narrow the need for support to one specific area in parenting, what would it be?

Parenting fails and regrets? Share on X

Where do you stumble, doubt yourself, look back and have regrets? What do you see people doing that makes you question them or yourself in the area of parenting?

ANYTHING goes! Simply respond by answering in the comments section below.

YAY, you! And BIG THANKS for helping me!

(I’ll let you in on more of my project soon!)

I appreciate your time. So excited to see the results! I promise I will share.


With love & belief, Jill