In order to bring unity to the body of Christ, first, your focus must be on ONE.  That’s right!  ONE.

ONE Spirit equals ONE Mind.

Theology goes by the wayside when you keep your heart set on Me and My ways.  You can devise all sorts of notions about a ‘far off god’ or ‘one who remains near’ and is with you always – your thoughts can stream from one notion to another on these matters of God!

What is true?  WHO has said this?  Why does it matter?

I say – All that you need to know is wrapped up in the identity you have through Me – provided to you already and clearly shown through the person I AM sent to you!  So Jesus, that’s all!  Does he weary you with his theology?  Are his studies difficult to conceive?  No.  A little childlike mind can understand the thoughts of Us –  He is LOVE toward all and the expression of every need ever known by mankind has been given through His BEing and by His DOing at the cross of your salvation.  Can you accept this simple answer?


Your desires to go deeper and know more can only be satisfied when you can become satisfied with knowing this first. And what else truly matters?

Just because you cannot wrap your little mind around it, then it must not be so?

Ah.  If all of life on this earth could be so simple.  Simple truth. Simple love.

You say, ‘We complicate it with our minds and pride fuels the lust for knowledge.’  You see this well.  From it then springs forth the subtleties of science- man’s notions of the world- What is life?  How do I know the truth of it all?  What can I count on to be certain that will please God and how do I make amends with Him?

Oh, none other and no other way than this idea – Jesus, your Savior- also, your Deliverer – He has come only to set the captives free – all of them- so when your mind becomes a captive of concerns – worries – even your noble contemplation of truth and ideology-  What can you expect to count on for all of your discussions and cares?  ONE answer – He is all.  So, when your unifying idea is born in the knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ, your worries will disappear in a cloud of nothing.  Your concern for theological premise will dissipate in the wind of His Holiness, coming to surround your thinking with purity of thoughts, directed toward Christ alone.

Listen!  Any time you begin to say, “I think that God…” you can safely finish that sentence with a number of endings!

“I think that God…LOVES me unconditionally!”

“I think that God…LOVES everyone else this way, too!”

“I think that God…wants us to seek Him first and foremost!”

“I think that God… Himself, will answer every question with LOVE.”

Practice this and you will be engaged in true unity – ONE with My heart- ONE with My Spirit – all wrapped up in so much love that contention cannot break through these bonds of love!  Wrapped around you and encircling your entire being so that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for words of discouragement or rejection to harm you!

Give this theology to others –  GOD IS LOVE.  Throw away your conditions because they do not exist in MY STATE of BEING – ONLY MY SON exists for this.

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the same, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” ~ Hebrews 12: 1- 2 (NKJV)


With love & belief, Jill