“Stand fast therefore in the freedom by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”  Galatians 5:1 (NKJ)

I set you free from the bondage of old in order that you might show others that they too can obtain this pure and free state of being!

FREEDOM!  People talk about it all of the time and have no idea what they are talking about!

Seeking freedom means trying to break free from a habit, for many.  It means their own personal gain and being free from burdens they are not interested in carrying.  But My freedom is much greater than this!

In order to be set free fully, one must know Me – The One True Living God, who gives ultimate and complete freedom simply by saying His name –

Speak “Jesus!” and all Hell stands still!

Speak “Elohaim” and people exclaim, “He is worthy!”

Speak “Healer”, “Counselor” and the world comes to know health and well-being!

THIS Freedom I give is like none other!  Only I can give it!  Only those who ask can receive it, yet it is available always, to everyone!

STAND in this Freedom!

Freedom to believe

to be bold

to understand

to be wise.

Freedom to take on your mission knowing if I assign it, I will enable you to accomplish it through Me, and I will accomplish my will in you and through you!

You need only speak and in this way, you begin to live in this powerful freedom.  There is power in the words you speak, so that if you say, ” Wake up, Church!” people will begin to rouse.  If you speak to the corners, saying, “Walls come down!”  they indeed, will fall.  Walls of insecurity, fear, and hopelessness; barriers of tradition, envy, and striving; walls that hold men back erected by the enemy to stop my works; these fall easily if only you speak My name.

And when the walls do come falling down, this complete and perfect freedom can be realized in the living!  You were made to live free!  So Speak & Be Free!

You were made for this, My Glory to behold, to share, and to live; so that others may know Me also!

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,” Isaiah 61:1 (NIV)


With love & belief, Jill