Let me first qualify this word by explaining a few things to you. The Lord spoke this to me on May 16th. It was extremely clear, and as I wrote and received, I kept wondering exactly who Cyrus was in the Bible. I thought I knew he was a King of Persia, but really could not place any specific information about him. Further, I had not been closely following the presidential race because the candidates have been hard for me to like. Trump was especially offensive to me for various reasons, and I had avoided listening to him. This word is not about a political party, nor is it intended to engage argument in any way. Maybe all of this is exactly why I received this word; because I have no desire to be involved in anything political, but only to serve God as He calls me to do. All I know is it came as a very strong word of the Lord and I wrote it EXACTLY word for word as I received it, as I do every word He gives me.
Since we’re being real here, I had resisted sharing this even a couple of weeks ago when the Holy Spirit reminded me to publish it. I do believe this gives me a certain understanding of how to pray for Donald Trump, for our country and world, but I just didn’t want to get into all of the mess. Obviously, I can no longer resist sharing, as I must be obedient to ALL the Lord requires, and not just the easy things.
As of today, as I have quietly shared with a only very few people, my sister tells me she shared it with a man who said he had heard the Cyrus/Trump word from others. Intrigued, I searched and found that, indeed, it is something others have been given by the Holy Spirit! In fact, I ran onto a couple of articles measuring these prophetic words with skepticism. Definitely, I advocate that you pray for and exercise careful discernment when hearing prophetic insights, but I am now compelled to say, ‘Wait! I heard this too and I KNOW with certainty it is the word of the Lord!’ Sharing in obedience and in confirmation of the word that has been brought out in these circles, I realize it is time. Trust me, I have NO political agenda. I trust God with all of His doing, and in all of His ways, HE IS PERFECT and GOOD!
(Thanks for hearing me out as I FINALLY get to the point!)
I am reminded that God Himself sets up Kings and Rulers, all for His purposes and for His ultimate GLORY. GLORY to GOD and WHO HE IS and WHAT HE DOES! He clearly tells us this in Daniel 2:21(MSG) ~
“That night the answer to the mystery was given to Daniel in a vision. Daniel blessed the God of heaven, saying, “Blessed be the name of God, forever and ever. He knows all, does all: He changes the seasons and guides history, He raises up kings and also brings them down, he provides both intelligence and discernment, He opens up the depths, tells secrets, sees in the dark—light spills out of him! God of all my ancestors, all thanks! all praise! You made me wise and strong. And now you’ve shown us what we asked for. You’ve solved the king’s mystery.”
Here is the word of the Lord that came to me the morning of May 16th, as I was awakened out of sleep with the loud words,
I quickly got up to write as so often this is how the Lord leads my writing.
TRUMP CALL! Trump is My Cyrus! Yes, you heard Me correctly! He is the man who will reveal Me in many ways. And as he does, all will see Me in a new way!
THIS man, (as Cyrus), who does not know Me, means well. And not for his own gain, but “for the people” he truly does purpose.
His stand is a GRANDSTAND, but his heart is in its place as he does have NO NEED for place, order, favor, or money. He has already been those things to many and so his breaches are sealed. There is no other reason, but to serve his country, (and true now, his God)- as I will use him for My purposes.
As the Lord does expound on His words to us as we seek to know more, He has given me the impression to go along with the words, reminding me of the many places in His word where He uses the ‘Trump Call’, or TRUMPET CALL. (I actually thought that is more along the lines of what I was receiving when He first woke me with those two words).
In many places in the bible, you can easily find the CALL to ARMS and CALL to BATTLE, He also is giving to us in this time. This impression lines up with MANY words I have recently received and will share soon.
Zechariah 9:14 The Lord shall lead his people as they fight! His arrows shall fly like lightning; the Lord God shall sound the trumpet call and go out against his enemies like a whirlwind off the desert from the south.
Judges 3:27 When he arrived in the hill country of Ephraim, he blew a trumpet as a call to arms and mustered an army under his own command.
Judges 6:34 Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet as a call to arms, and the men of Abiezer came to him.
Zephaniah 1:16 Trumpet calls, and battle cries; down go the walled cities and strongest battlements!
Lastly, another absolutely IMPORTANT KEY in the TRUMP CALLS that God gives His people is found in Joel 2. Over and over, everywhere we are hearing this CALL to fast and pray, call to the solemn assembly. Listen, CHURCH! Lay aside the traditions and religion, set yourselves apart from the worries of this world, and go to Him in the posture of prayer and fasting! Seek His face and He will lead you in prayer.
“Sound the trumpet in Zion! Call a fast and gather all the people together for a solemn meeting. Bring everyone—the elders, the children, and even the babies. Call the bridegroom from his quarters and the bride from her privacy.
The priests, the ministers of God, will stand between the people and the altar, weeping; and they will pray, “Spare your people, O our God; don’t let the heathen rule them, for they belong to you. Don’t let them be disgraced by the taunts of the heathen who say, ‘Where is this God of theirs? How weak and helpless he must be!’”
Then the Lord will pity his people and be indignant for the honor of his land! He will reply, “See, I am sending you much corn and wine and oil, to fully satisfy your need. No longer will I make you a laughingstock among the nations. I will remove these armies from the north and send them far away; I will turn them back into the parched wastelands where they will die; half shall be driven into the Dead Sea and the rest into the Mediterranean, and then their rotting stench will rise upon the land. The Lord has done a mighty miracle for you.” ~Joel 2:15-20 (Read all Joel 2).
Stay tuned in. He’s talking to you.
Awhile back, when it was clear that he would be the sole candidate, I had thought, maybe this is something that we must endure. It was pushing us to be even more reliant upon God. I also see him as all that is wrong in our country….that he is holding up a mirror to us, showing us what we have become. Yet, in order for that revelation to be realized, society would have to see it also. There has been no shift in thinking, which is sad. Nowadays, I just pray for protection and safety. That is my reassurance.
God is in control. Yes! THAT is our comfort, always!
Thank you Jill for listening to the Lord and sharing what He has given you. I have been confused but kept coming back to Trump as the right choice yet I couldn’t figure out why. His words, through you, have helped me understand.
God knows, Connie. What He does, He does for HIS reasons and for HIS ultimate Glory. He is helping me to understand as well!
This is a very interesting read, and I even read it to Jason, because we feel the same way, there just isn’t anybody that seems worth voting for. I didn’t vote in the primary this year for the first time in my life. Thanks for sharing this, it is very eye opening!
I know! It’s been so hard for me, too. I felt that Trump is so brash and has been downright rude to so many people. When I received this word, I realized that at the very least, I need to pray for him, and that God HAS HIS PLAN!
I always enjoy reading your posts, this one is most interesting! As I stand in my kitchen listening to K-Love and making a mulberry pie, I decided to check over GODsip. Looking for inspiration, I’m not disappointed but still worried about our country. I know we all need to have the strongest faith and trust in God especially now to support our country.
Natalie, it is definitely difficult to understand. The bottom line is ALWAYS to pray. This word really took me by surprise, as well. It was a huge exercise in obedience for me.
Amen Sister! Yes it is God who appoints Kings & Rulers.
I heard His Voice as I read your Blog. It is All for His Glory!
Why do we waste our time in worry.
He will deliver His People. We invite Him in. Come Holy Spirit how we need you. Deliver us from our selves .
He hears the cries of His people.
To God Be The Glory!
He is ABLE to accomplish His will. We are along for the wild ride!
Amen! “Road Trip Warrior” Sister, God is using you again to help us all understand. God has used many an individual for His Purpose that were not perfect!!! Some without even realizing, some being drawn closer to Him because of it! All will fit into one of those categories. We are in the battle already! We need to open our eyes and see it from God’s Perspective, and open our ears, and hear it from God’s Perspective. As Christians we need to take a stand for our God, or we’ll ‘fall for anything’! It is time to stop allowing the ‘world’ to tell us what to do and what is right and being blown about by every little breeze and letting the chips fall where they may. It is time to pray, and to truly listen to what our Mighty and Gracious God is telling us to do, even in the political arena, our lives as we know them truly do depend on it! Blessings!
Yes, we are always to pray, Kathy! This is the Father’s world and His decision in all He does.