What are you expecting?  Not just what do you believe, but what are you really expecting to happen?  What do you believe you will see?  Are you watching for it to materialize?  Do you wait for it with an eager eye and expectant language?

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits and in His word I put my hope.” ~ Psalm 130:5

As a young expectant mother, I remember being anxious to “show”, watching daily for changes in my body.  Standing sideways in the mirror, I would inspect my body shape closely and daily monitor for changes.  I wanted to see the evidence of my pregnancy; the reality of the gift to come.  This was important both to fully receive for myself the truth of the unseen reality and also my desire to express it to others.  I was anxious to share the excitement of what was to come!  “Showing” was important to me!  With this same depth of expectation, God wants us to approach Him and all He has for us.  He wants us to be pregnant with His promises as He is ready to deliver!


How can we live in a state of full expectation both within ourselves and expressed to others?  This is the substance of our faith and the conflict between the flesh and the spirit.  We need to renew our minds in Christ; reading the Word, rehearsing it, and watching over it for the full expectation of its fruits!  Focused expectation not only knows what it will see, but watches for it closely, senses the changes coming, and maintains its stance in faith for the unseen.  Expectant faith talks about what it expects to see as though it is coming through the door!

“My soul, wait only upon God, for my expectation is from Him.” ~ Psalm 62:5

As the Holy Spirit has been giving me impressions about expectancy, He whispered to me that it is not as many people say, that “perception is everything”, but it is “expectation” that is everything!  What we perceive may be perceived in the flesh and with the intellect; as such, being opposed to the things of God.  Some of you have your eyes on a situation that shows no signs of change, but you know that God has told you a change is coming.  You have a promise from the Word and you are holding onto it.  So then, are you to believe your eyes or believe the word of God?  You have waited so long, you begin to doubt the promise or you are afraid to share it with others.  Renew your mind on it.  Pray for the understanding of God in wisdom to stay ready to receive.

I recall a time when I was waiting for my husband to return from a long day of travel.  He was a little behind schedule and I was anxious for him to get home.  Every time I would hear a sound, I would go to the window to check and see if he was back.  I knew He would be home any minute and I watched for him with an excited expectancy.  I was doing laundry as I waited for him, and heard a car approaching.  As I looked out the laundry room window, the Lord spoke to me and said, Watch for Me this way!  This is the kind of faith I want you to have. Expect to see Me!”

I was drilled to the core with this revelation of my faith.  I knew my husband was on his way, yet I watched for him with love and desire for his return!  I expected to see him any minute!

“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation.  My God will hear me.” ~ Micah 7:7

Let us watch for our First Love with expectant faith of His provision, His faithfulness to keep His promises, and above all, with a sense of His soon coming return!

A couple of weeks ago before leaving for church, the Lord dropped a prophetic bomb into my spirit!  He said,  I am raising up a NEW GENERATION of EXPECTANT BELIEVERS who will HOLD ME to MY WORD and they will not doubt that I AM the TRUE and FAITHFUL ONE of all time!  They will hear Me and MOVE on MY Words.  They will KNOW ME and NOT DOUBT what they are doing is of ME.  And when the MIGHTY WINDS come, they will STAND FAST, ANCHORED to ME.  ROOTED and GROUNDED in My KNOWING; DEVASTATED NO MORE, but MOVED ONLY by MY SPIRIT!

Church, let us be of that kind of expectant faith and let us encourage others in that kind of faith as we demonstrate what we expect to see!  He is saying the mighty winds WILL come, so let us stand fast as an expectant generation of believers and hold God to His word, as He is true and faithful to perform it!

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”  ~ 2 Corinthians 4:18

With love & belief, Jill