“Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the Lord my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the Sabbaths, at the New Moons and at the appointed festivals of the Lord our God. This is a lasting ordinance for Israel.

“The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him? Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him?”~2 Chronicles 2:4-6 (NIV)

REBORN, instantly- RENEWED, instantly-

These are the words I give you to share today!

In My name, you are both renewed and reborn in an instant! There is no process to being made whole when I perform it! It is your birthright by being born anew in Me!

The whole process of wholeness was made for you by My son and in that instant you received it – from His body to yours- never waiting for a sign, but realizing the gratification of the process He endured, you had it instantly!

Isn’t that GOOD News? Well, I’ll tell you it’s the BEST news you can get! There is no suffering on your part in order to receive this newness and no way you can manage without it!

His doing caused your being! So all of this doing people worry about is truly over nothing – nothing else will suffice- I am pleased only by this – receiving Him for what He accomplished for you. Simple as that!

I am not a complex God who requires you to go through layers of training and tests in order to receive your new birth and life! No! I am a God of celebrations who loves to see His children become the people He created them to be! And this you are – KINGS! SONS and DAUGHTERS of ROYALTY! A Royal Bloodline for your life! Yes! You hail from Royalty! And as such, your rebirth gave you the rights of KINGS!

Crowned in Glory, you have everything you could ever need, so why would you wander around like a lost child, looking for something you already have? You possess everything! All you need to do is BELIEVE it and start acting like someone who hasn’t a care in the world! Because, of course, you truly do not!

All of your cares have been taken on by your Heavenly Father and all of your worries have been replaced with the goodness of knowing you are loved and cared for by the ALL-POWERFUL ONE! Who could ask for more?

This is DONE and SEALED with the RING of the KING, your Father! ( I saw here, the a huge figure of God with a ring on is finger with a flat front and a K on it, turning it over and stamping things.)

All of this I have done to have you near Me, so that I can enjoy you and we can live our good life together!

And now, NOTHING can EVER SEPARATE us from one another! NOT even YOU!

Could you overwhelm a God who has done all of this? Overtake Him by surprise? Throw Him off balance with your sinful life? What is it that you think could separate Me from you or anything I desire? Who stops this GOD and KING of ALL? Nothing and NO ONE – that is your answer! And as such a King I say to you now- There is no condemnation when you come before Me with the shield of honor over you called “Jesus the King” – nothing but the BEST is yours in the courts of your King!

Let your devastations be in the past, now, for you have become Mine and in a place of honor by the throne of your FATHER and KING JESUS! We receive you as our own children – family – who want for nothing – if you only ask, it is yours- ALL of it!

KINGDOMS and PARADISE itself belong to the ones who belong to Us! So, live your life this way!

Millionaires? Ha! NO! Billionaires and triple that number in your mind if you can, for your assets are limitless! Live without a care and in the luxury of a King, for you are the royalty of God Himself!

Receive this, and walk like a child of the Most-High GOD, graciously sharing without a care- constantly giving and blessing those around you.

Loving all becomes easy when all you have to think about is LOVE!

Receive this.

With love & belief, Jill