“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church of Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.” ~ Ephesians 3:20 (NKJ)

Set the captives free!  Release those who wait for rescue!

From the Lord alone they will find the way out of the darkness.

The Lord says this, Many keys have passed through your hands! ~ I saw many doors I have opened, some unexpected and others were doors I would rather forget, but they are important to recall for this.  Recall the doors you have opened- motel rooms, homes, workplaces, closets, hidden doors, trap doors, doors of escape, doors with a wall built behind them, doors on an upper level that open to midair with no apparent escape, BUT the keys I give are TRUE FREEDOM, says the Lord.  Truly you are able to enter in with these KEYS!  With these keys, you are freed out of your Egypt!  This place was made for Me within you – the FIRST PART of My creation of you – knitting you from the center and outward, but you fill it with so many things.

This bird at your window, attempting to create a nest for her young ones, is in a hurry to make that place for her eggs.  She knows the time is coming quickly and works with urgency toward the time of expectancy!  Bird brains?  Hardly!  She knows what she knows is growing from the innermost parts of her being!  She feels me doing something special and she sets about the work I have given her to do!  Building the nest is her preparation for My works within her- that is all for her to do- so when someone wrecks her attempts to build, or the waters and wind seem to sabotage her efforts, I come through to find a new place for her to build!  You may never see it- the finished work we do together- but the eggs are hatched and new birds indeed do fly though the air!  You see THOSE, don’t you?

So it is with you, my baby bird – precious one- far more priceless in My valuing of your worth!  For you were also made by Me to do a work with Me in building a home for the miracles you expect!  And these are also deep within you!  You know them not!  BUT there they are!  And you feel them in your deepest being!  Expecting Me to do My part, you build what I have assigned.  And so you will see the result of My doing in this venture of ours!

HEALING – PROSPERITY- FULLNESS OF JOY- WISDOM IN YOUR PURSUITS- All of this abundance and MUCH MORE comes your way all because of your trust in Me!  Others may try to wreck your works of faith, but My shelter covers it all!  No wind or rain will ever be allowed to come near this work you are building for Me, for it IS beyond your thinking and indeed, is for MY GLORY that we are doing this building!

BUILDING FAITH – BRICK BY BRICK- piece by piece- one step at a time!  A much sturdier house than My birds will ever need and not disposable or only built for a season, but BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS BUILT FOR ALL TIME AND BEYOND ALL TIME- for it is this faith that produces more faith to the finished work of GRACE I have given you!  So BE this bird of Mine now!  Stay committed to the building of the nest I commit to you to build!

Undaunted when you return with twigs to find it has been moved, you will simply glance around to find a more suitable location, knowing I provide it!  Your faith will not be shaken by the winds and rain, for I AM the supplier of it!  What I give, no one can tear away from you, for it is BUILT BY MY HAND only through your belief in what I AM growing in you!

So go this way today-  like the busy bird- flying back and forth on your mission of building faith- dedicated to it with such focus that no one can tear it down!

FOR I AM the BUILDER of all you set your heart to do!  I AM the FAITHFUL GOD OF EVERYTHING!  


Well, of course, you know the answer is NEVER! Though others may cast a questioning glance at your efforts, we know it is lasting between us!  We are in this thing TOGETHER!  My heart is with you and your heart is with Me safe there in My keeping- only to be shared for My Glory and your good- all of which I AM bringing to fruition.  EXPECT it, soon!

Commit your works to the Lord, And your thoughts will be established. Proverbs 16:3 (NKJV)

With love & belief, Jill