He is Still My God – The “C” Word: Part Two

He is Still My God – The “C” Word: Part Two

Freedom is dying to self, receiving Christ and all of His amazing GRACE, so then being resurrected with Him, one never has to experience death again! This temporary earthly body is a good house for my spirit now, so God Himself, the Sustainer of all things, will...
Clean the Sanctuary!

Clean the Sanctuary!

In my dream, I was in the sanctuary of my church.  There was trash everywhere and I was picking it up and saying, “Who would leave this trash here?” When I woke up, I asked, “God, what are saying to me?” Quickly, He showed me by speaking...
Who Says?

Who Says?

“Forever, O Lord, your Word stands firm in heaven. Your faithfulness extends to every generation, like the earth you created; it endures by your decree, for everything serves your plans.”    ~ Psalm 119:89-91, (TLB) The knot in my stomach tightened as I...