MasterMind ~ A Poem from the Mind of the Master

MasterMind ~ A Poem from the Mind of the Master

Dear GodSippers, Once in awhile the Lord will speak to me in poetic form. This began as one word. “MASTERMIND” then as I listened and wrote, I realized He was pouring out His love in rhyme. I wept. The Master is beautiful and perfect. I pray this moves...
The End of An Era

The End of An Era

Dear GodSippers, Here is the the dream I promised to share. December 31st was one of those nights where I heard the voice of the Lord saying the same phrase over and over again. I tossed and turned with it as He repeated these words, THE END OF AN ERA …   I...
The Most Fruitful Season Yet

The Most Fruitful Season Yet

Happy 2024 and Welcome to a most Fruitful New Season! I pray you are very well and pursuing each new day with the zeal of the Lord. I’m so excited to be back in touch! Today I’m offering more of a newsletter since we have some catching up to do. (PLUS, I...


CHANGE. Early in January, I heard the Lord say, CHANGE. One word whispered into my spirit is my signal to get ready to write. Here is the word of the Lord to us. The Time has come for a change – to all that you do, and an appeal to the Father for all you may do...
The Most Fruitful Season Yet


A WORD FOR THE NATIONS. I don’t usually ask you to share my posts widely, but this is a word that must be shared with everyone. It shook me to the core with urgency. I received two intense visions and a detailed sobering word of the Lord regarding the time. As I...
WAR in Bits & Pieces

WAR in Bits & Pieces

The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of war he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts aloud, he shows himself mighty against his foes. ~ Isaiah 42:13, ESV. Going into the year 2020, I was drawn in the spirit to ask for a word for the year. Immediately,...