Power and Authority from on High
The FINISHED work at the cross BEGAN a new reign of power and authority over the earth. The beginning of it all came when I gave My Son over to the authorities and rulers on this earth and then commanded them to give him back to Me over all things in creation. So,...
Making Your Path Straight
The Holy Spirit took me to the windows of our kitchen and showed me something. He said, "Look as far as you can see." I could see the surrounding hilltops in our cove and that is all the farther I could see. He said, I flatten the land for your vision to see much...
Everlasting Covenant
There is an everlasting covenant that cannot be broken. It is Mine to keep and this I will never break. For it is already complete and kept in this - My Son sent to you - returned to Me to live and reign with me over all, forever. By this overcoming, He set you free...
Searcher, Find Me
I am never far from you. You may be wandering about, feeling lost and trying to get a sense of where I am, but I am right there. Everywhere you are, there I AM. So, stop this kind of senseless searching and find me within your heart of hearts. Are you keeping still...
He Is Your Perfect Peace
For HE HIMSELF is our peace. (Ephesians 2:14-15) Peace, Peace, I say to you. Peace, Peace, I Am to you. Your unrest is outside of My doing within you. Let it go and be free of it, for it is never of Me. A restless spirit I will draw and calm with My presence and...
Trailblazers with Hearts on Fire!
"Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, and offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship with reverence and awe; for our God is [indeed] a consuming fire." ~Hebrews 12:28-29 (AMP) Trailblazers! Trails blazing with...
Legions of Angels on Assignment
Recently, as I was driving and praying my way up the interstate, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about angels and showed me a vision of angels everywhere; around, above, and in front of me. Innumerable angels. They were very active and there was movement all...
Overindulge in God’s Goodness
While preparing to have communion this morning with the Lord, He spoke this word. Glutton. I hesitated. This has always had a negative connotation to me. I waited and listened to understand. This is the word that the Holy Spirit further...
Hope for a Valentine
"For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides You, who acts on behalf of the one who waits for Him." ~ Isaiah 64:4 Green-leafed shreds of HOPE produce flowers in the Spring, but the resting time for this flower looks...
Send Forth My Word
"He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." ~Psalm 107:20 God reminds me, this Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the...
The Lord Speaks of His Mantle
Over the past few weeks, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me of His Mantle, His Covering for His people. I believe this is a significant time for us, and a time that is especially important to be listening and responding as God pours out His Spirit! This is the...
Your Destiny is in God’s Heart
"Give me your heart, my son, let your eyes delight in my ways." ~Proverbs 23:26 Your loss is My gain, says the Lord. Less of you = More of Me, and this is truly what the world needs, don't you think? I am able to meet every need and you are able to meet Me! Why are...
Hold Nothing Back!
"Have you ever wondered why God gives so much? We could exist on far less. He could have left the world flat and gray; we wouldn't have known the difference. But He didn't. God's gifts shed light on God's heart, God's good and generous heart." ~from Max Lucado, He...
"Immediately the fire of God fell and burned up the offering, the wood, the stones, the dirt, and even the water in the trench. All the people saw it happen and fell on their faces in awed worship, exclaiming, “God is the true God! God is the true God!” ~1...
See the Glory!
All Glory is shared with you due to GRACE. "Show me your Glory, Lord!" is the prayer of KINGS because they truly have access to this Glorious Grace which is the GLORY OF GOD! So, are you asking for more than you have? Impossible! You have it ALL! Now, consider that...
Word for Today – Kings!
"Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the Lord my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the Sabbaths, at the...
My Seal of Love Abides!
My IMPRINT is yours. Made in My image, you thrive! Simply by belonging to Me, you bear My image. My seal of love is over you regardless of your ability to understand the depths of it. Search the greater meaning of My SEAL over you. I charge you with this. Nothing can...
Invite Change in the New Year
“It is He who changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise And [greater] knowledge to those who have understanding!" ~ Daniel 2:21 (AMP) What is left? Is it over just because the clock turns its dial? Or Who...
Move Past the Distractions!
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." - Hebrews 12:1 Finally, you have put every other thing...
Dead Silence
"If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." ~2 Chronicles 7:14 (Amplified Bible, Classic...
Runaway Train
THE TRAIN WILL GO THROUGH AGAIN AND IN A WHOLE NEW WAY, YOU WILL KNOW AND UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PROCESS MEANS- ELECTROMAGNETIC CONNECTION- THAT IS THE TWO OF US! We are connected like the train on the track- I lay the track in place for you- I place you on it- I fuel...
Good Hope: The Road Home
" I told you Eternal One, You are my Lord, for the only good I know in this world is found in you alone." ~ Psalm 16:2 Early in this recent journey with discovering there was a cancer in my body, I found myself driving the familiar road home to give a surprise...
That the Works of God Might Be Displayed
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. “Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?” “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered....
Book Review: Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler
Have you ever felt marginalized by your status, shut out because of your past? Have you wondered how God could use a woman like you? In Ann Spangler's new book, Wicked Women of the Bible, you will find reassurance that our God is the God who creates and uses His...
The Holy Spirit has been leading me in Holy Communion for the past few weeks. Every day is unique and beautiful. Every day He shows me something special and draws me closer. My healing is complete in this, but more and more I am sensing this deeper intimacy with my...
I AM THE GOD of Every Nation
Recently I visited a glorious church service where the Lord spoke this exciting word to me. Look around! What do you see? People of all colors- all languages- all nations- ALL PRAISING ME! This is only a glimpse of what HEAVEN will be like! Much better are the praises...
He is Still My God – The “C” Word: Part Two
Freedom is dying to self, receiving Christ and all of His amazing GRACE, so then being resurrected with Him, one never has to experience death again! This temporary earthly body is a good house for my spirit now, so God Himself, the Sustainer of all things, will...
The “C” Word ~ An Inconvenient Testimony
"They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." ~ Revelation 12:11 I sat there on the table waiting for the doctor to come in and say what he had learned from my test. My friend sat on the chair beside the door and waited with me. I...
Wicked Women of the Bible
I have a great opportunity to share with all of my readers and I would encourage each of you to take this opportunity for a great deal! Below I've included a link to the pre-order page on Amazon for the upcoming book entitled "Wicked Women of the Bible" by Ann...
More Than You Can Handle
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. The Lord is their strength, And He is the saving refuge of His anointed. Save Your people, and bless Your...
CROWNS! Many Crowns!
I woke up this morning to the Lord saying, "Crowns! Many Crowns!" Hurrying to position myself to listen closely, my spirit took in His words. He takes my breath away. Beautiful God! "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that...
Entitled Generation
You are entitled to Royal Status! "Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for...
Stop Stumbling Around in the Dark!
"For God did not send the son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; He who does not believe in Him has been judged already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten...
"Gather up the testimony, preserve the teaching for my followers, while I wait for God as long as He remains in hiding, while I wait and hope for Him. I stand my ground and HOPE, I and the children God gave me as signs to Israel, warning signs and hope signs from God...
ONE Spirit = ONE Mind
In order to bring unity to the body of Christ, first, your focus must be on ONE. That's right! ONE. ONE Spirit equals ONE Mind. Theology goes by the wayside when you keep your heart set on Me and My ways. You can devise all sorts of notions about a 'far off god' or...
The Word & The Spirit Together
The Spirit is the One who leads us into God's will. "And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words, and He who searches the heart knows...
The Good Father, The Best Shepherd
John 10:4 And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him... So many lost sheep. What about the onlookers, Lord? They seem to be mere spectators in life; the crowds that watch what is happening instead of being involved. The people...
What’s Trending- The REAL VOICE
Elevating people over God, praising creation over Creator, praising contestants on The Voice, following 'REALITY' shows; distractions from the REAL REALITY OF A LIVING ALL-POWERFUL GOD are everywhere. There is a simpler life and an easier way to obtain what the...
Your Nest of Faith
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church of Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever." ~ Ephesians 3:20 (NKJ) Set the captives free! Release...
Seeds of Life
The seed is in your heart to overflowing. This word is My seed to you. You will speak and I will answer- your words will come from Me and back to Me you will pray them, giving abundant power to what you say. All I have for you is contained in powerful speech- Words...
Praying Upside Down by Kelly O’Dell Stanley
Short story is that I committed to review a book and my time became out of control busy! I prayed for help and the Holy Spirit prompted me to ask my dear friend Beth Moore to check it out for me & see what she thought! Turns out, she was blessed by it, and of...
He Loves Your Music!
As I sat in the last pew of our beautiful church watching and listening, each piano student took a turn sharing lovely music they had carefully chosen with their teacher as the crowning piece for their year of learning. Parents and grandparents seated in between,...
The Search is Over
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves." ~2 Corinthians 4:7 These treasures made in earthen vessels are for you - all yours - handcrafted by Me. For I am your treasure...
Clean the Sanctuary!
In my dream, I was in the sanctuary of my church. There was trash everywhere and I was picking it up and saying, "Who would leave this trash here?" When I woke up, I asked, "God, what are saying to me?" Quickly, He showed me by speaking these words, "Clean the...
OPEN HANDS for Peace! An Urgent Word.
Open Hands - Open Hands! Let your grip relax and turn your palms upward! Stretch and reach to Me, lifting your burden of praise! As you loosen your grip on those worries you hold so tightly, I will turn it all around! I will cause your cares and concerns to dance...
Powerfully Free!
"Stand fast therefore in the freedom by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1 (NKJ) I set you free from the bondage of old in order that you might show others that they too can obtain this pure and free...
The Power of Speaking Light
“This is the crisis we’re in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and...
This Momentary Life
"We’re not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, “I believed it, so I said it,” we say what we believe. And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with you, alive. Every...
Who Do You Say That I AM?
Defining moments... those occasions in life we celebrate, times when we rise to meet challenges and discover our potential. How exciting are the times when our personal success is apparent for the world to see and our trophies are held high on the podium of...
God’s Law of Supply and Demand
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 4:19 (NKJV) The Lord woke me early this morning. I sensed Him urging me to get up. I rolled over. "Just a few more minutes, okay Lord?" But then He spoke...
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