
Blood Flow for a Vibrant Body!

Blood Flow for a Vibrant Body!

As we've been praying into 2018, many of us have been given words and confirmation of the Holy Spirit.  He has been speaking widely with great assurances of RESTORATION and TRANSFORMATION; making clear to the church that He is indeed doing a BRAND NEW THING in the...

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World’s Highest Marathon

World’s Highest Marathon

Qualifiers!  You are being made fit for the LONG HAUL! - A MARATHONER and a KINGDOM SEEKER - He will enable you to see more as you GO the DISTANCE! "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!...

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Confession of a Mother

Confession of a Mother

"As for you, O Lord, you will not restrain your mercy from me; your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me! For evils have encompassed me beyond number; my iniquities have overtaken me, and I cannot see; they are more than the hairs of my head; my...

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A Nation of Lovers

A Nation of Lovers

They will be a nation of lovers!  Lovers of God will spring up everywhere and parade proudly to My music!   Their hope is in Me ~ The lost found!  The wretched and blind see, now full of the light of My love!  TRANSFORMED by the energy I bring to the equation of life;...

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A New Season of Visitation

A New Season of Visitation

The Lord says to you, This is a NEW SEASON of visitation!  You will not hear Me the same, but you will begin to SEE Me anew and in new ways, I will reveal Myself to you.  I will open up your senses even more completely to the truth of Who I AM.   THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE!...

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Words of Fire

Words of Fire

I had a recent vision of the Lord with fire in His eyes. The church building was colorless, desolate and empty with wind blowing dust and debris through broken out windows and Jesus was standing there with His eyes on FIRE. He spoke to me about His passion for...

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Ekklesia by Ed Silvoso, A Book Review

Ekklesia by Ed Silvoso, A Book Review

EKKLESIA Rediscovering God's Instrument for Global Transformation by Dr. Ed Silvoso Salt and Light.  Are we? Have you felt like we are failing as a church?  How are we impacting the world? Are we doing church things, but losing our children and our communities to...

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DNA = Destiny Now Activated

DNA = Destiny Now Activated

The Lord says, Don't forget you have DEITY in you.  My DEITY resides within you.  Your DNA changed at the moment you introduced Me into the equation and by that event, everything changed in you.  Destiny Now Activated.  Destiny Far-Reaching; far exceeding your wildest...

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I woke up at 4:15 this morning hearing the Lord say,   I AM mobilizing units.  Legions are being dispatched.  I got up and began to pray and this is the word I received. D-Day!  Things are about to change.  Mobile units are on the ground!  Thousands of angelic troops...

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Only By His Power

Only By His Power

 You are my King and my God. Decree victories for your people.  For it is only by your power and through your name that we tread down our enemies;  I do not trust my weapons. They could never save me.  Only you can give us the victory over those who hate us.  My...

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9-1-1 Dreams

9-1-1 Dreams

"God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream of the night and said to him, "Be careful that you do not speak to Jacob either good or bad." ~ Genesis 31:24 Two nights in a row I have been given warning dreams where I needed to dial 9-1-1. Considering these, I was reminded...

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A New Day Coming

A New Day Coming

"And I will perform wonders in the sky above and miraculous signs on the earth below, blood and fire and clouds of smoke.  The sun will be changed to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes." ~ Acts 2:19-20 We were praying...

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The word came to me all night, waking me, SUPREME.  And as I drifted back to sleep and dreamed, again it came, SUPREME.  I would wake up and turn over, restless.  SUPREME.  And then, as He often does, with more intensity and additional words to clarify the direction....

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Words Seal the Deal

Words Seal the Deal

"Could I have your word on it?" "Give me your word."  I consider how often our deep loyalties are attached to our words.  Our speech matters.  It matters to God and others because it is the powerful force that moves, inspires, and creates.  Speaking may hold a hostage...

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Anointed to Heal by Randy Clark and Bill Johnson

Anointed to Heal by Randy Clark and Bill Johnson

What a pleasure to receive my free copy of this book from Chosen Publishers. This wonderful conversation between two of my favorite teachers puts the reader right there with them, hearing the encouraging stories of true healing. These stories and practical insights...

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Experience in the Heavenly Realms

Experience in the Heavenly Realms

"In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God." ~ Ezekiel 1:1 On the morning of October 11th, I was caught up into the heavens in an experience that is...

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Review of Listen, Love, Repeat by Karen Ehman

Review of Listen, Love, Repeat by Karen Ehman

Get free from the prison of self and cast your vision toward the God who IS LOVE. This breath of fresh air comes from a woman who consistently shares the love of God for everyday life through an authentic and practical voice.  Being love means doing loving acts....

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Hope from Devastation

Hope from Devastation

Out of devastation, there can be a new day dawn. Out of destruction, there can come a new dream. Shattered dreams lead to the newness God has for us! It started with the 11's.  On the 9/11 weekend, everywhere I looked I saw 11's.  Learning more about biblical meanings...

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The Essence of God

The Essence of God

Isaiah 40 holds the crux of Me, says the Lord.  The essence of who I AM is found here! My obvious characteristics are of power and might; and justice is in My hand.  The heavens stretch out before me and the land rolls from beneath My feet.  All flesh is grass as...

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Skating On Thin Ice

Skating On Thin Ice

For the past two weeks, as I have been praying for the nation and seeking God for more of His Heart, He has been showing me visions and speaking words about His coming judgement. Although this may not be a popular topic with some, I have a new awareness of the times...

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God’s Justice is Compassion

God’s Justice is Compassion

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed are those who wait for him. ~Isaiah 30:18 The Lord is saying to His people, I AM about to unleash My HOLY SPIRIT on your situation. I have heard the...

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My New Tattoo

My New Tattoo

Tom and I visited Washington, D.C. over the weekend of 9/11 this year.  Our trip included a visit to David's Tent, celebrating the one year anniversary of 24/7 continuous worship on the National Mall.  Within seconds of entering the tent, we both felt the sweet and...

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Colossal Intervention

Colossal Intervention

Over and over this morning, I heard the Lord saying, COLOSSAL INTERVENTION! As I communed with Him and stayed before Him to hear, He spoke these words. The biggest interventions may never be known, for so much disaster is averted by your prayers- energy displaced,...

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The Unseen

The Unseen

Several weeks ago, driving out of the cove in the early morning, I was talking to God; praising and thanking Him. Suddenly, Holy Spirit drew my attention to the sky and asked me, "What do you see?" I said, "I see the crescent moon, Lord." Then He asked, "What do you...

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Visions of HOPE!

Visions of HOPE!

Vision of Justice and the Return of the Light of the World The Lord woke me with the words, Rainbow Bright Promise! He began to speak and show me visions in an unfolding scene of great HOPE! Rainbow Bright is the Word of the Promise and seeing these rainbows means...

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Message Me!

Message Me!

MESSAGE. This is the word Holy Spirit spoke to me this week. First He gave the whole word, then He broke it into two parts. ME. SAGE. SAGE is a healing plant. Also, sage is defined as profound wisdom. He, Himself, is all healing and wisdom! His words are sure. He is...

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Sweet Dreams!

Sweet Dreams!

I woke up this morning and realized that all night long I had dreamed of HONEY!  Eating honey on bread with butter, dipping bread into honey, and even drinking it; I shared honey with several people in my dreams as well.  As the Lord brought it back to me, I...

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A New Wave of the Flag!

A New Wave of the Flag!

Well, here we go again.  I have been struggling with the question of 'to share or not to share'. With certainty, the Holy Spirit guides me and there are times I know I am simply being called to pray.  Always, I ask for clarity, for God's purposes to be fulfilled, and...

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What Do You Expect?

What Do You Expect?

What are you expecting?  Not just what do you believe, but what are you really expecting to happen?  What do you believe you will see?  Are you watching for it to materialize?  Do you wait for it with an eager eye and expectant language? "I wait for the Lord, my whole...

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The Power of Magnificent Prayer!

The Power of Magnificent Prayer!

This morning I woke up to the words of the Lord saying to me, "TODAY you are going to see the POWER of MAGNIFICENT PRAYER!" Whatever it is in me that causes me to immediately 'question' or 'correct' words made me say, Lord, don't you mean 'the Magnificent Power of...

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Harvest and War! Harvest and War!

Harvest and War! Harvest and War!

A word of the Lord for His warriors. "God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and he makes my way...

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Trump Call!

Trump Call!

Let me first qualify this word by explaining a few things to you.  The Lord spoke this to me on May 16th.  It was extremely clear, and as I wrote and received, I kept wondering exactly who Cyrus was in the Bible.  I thought I knew he was a King of Persia, but really...

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June Roses Speak Love to the Bride

June Roses Speak Love to the Bride

June is the month of the roses. Beautiful roses for our wedding! Wedding planning includes talk of ordering flowers and I say that I order the flowers for you! For the Marriage Feast of the Bride and the Lamb, say, "Come!" and say, "Bloom!" to the harvest of flowers...

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Soul Swimmers & A VISION of GLORY GOLD!

Soul Swimmers & A VISION of GLORY GOLD!

My wake up call this morning was Soul Swimmers! Soul Swimmers and Soul Surfers ride the waves of My Righteousness and Glory!  This is the word the Lord spoke. The swim out to catch a wave is sometimes arduous, but positioning is everything!  So, when I position you to...

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Look Up, Stargazers!

Look Up, Stargazers!

Andromeda and the Perseids - all Mine!  For Stargazers, looking to the sky supplies needs for understanding the vastness of My Glory! Beyond all you can see, there is still more - and I AM there, throughout it all!   "How did you come to be?"  You ask this...

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Destination Unknown

Destination Unknown

We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails. ~ Proverbs 19:21 (MSG) The Lord speaks and says, This is your sign for Me; for I place it in your hands and put you on the side of the road as a sign for others who are lost.  They will see...

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Behold Me

Behold Me

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”~Hebrews 13:16 Share and Behold Me. Take care and time. Slow down your busyness and simply BEHOLD ME in your life. See Me in your days and in your moments. Love Me in the...

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Gathering My People

Gathering My People

"So don't be afraid: I'm with you. I'll round up all your scattered children, pull them from east and west. I'll send orders north and south: 'Send them back. Return my sons from distant lands, my daughters from faraway places. I want them back, every last one who...

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Power and Authority from on High

Power and Authority from on High

The FINISHED work at the cross BEGAN a new reign of power and authority over the earth.  The beginning of it all came when I gave My Son over to the authorities and rulers on this earth and then commanded them to give him back to Me over all things in creation. So,...

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Making Your Path Straight

Making Your Path Straight

The Holy Spirit took me to the windows of our kitchen and showed me something. He said, "Look as far as you can see." I could see the surrounding hilltops in our cove and that is all the farther I could see. He said, I flatten the land for your vision to see much...

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Everlasting Covenant

Everlasting Covenant

There is an everlasting covenant that cannot be broken. It is Mine to keep and this I will never break. For it is already complete and kept in this - My Son sent to you - returned to Me to live and reign with me over all, forever. By this overcoming, He set you free...

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